MONK on THE TONiC! Live Radio!
If you are local and have some time to tune-in I will be fill-in hosting "The Tonic" on CKUW95.9 fm tonight between 1930 and 2100...or for you less military types 7:30 p.m. until 9 p.m.This is live radio, liver than you've ever been and promises to be a fine time chock full of great music selected by yours truly.
Also available via the old interjet (streaming) at so check that out.
And if you need more or you miss the show completely tonight the archive will be there at the same web address. Just click on PROGRAM SCHEDULE at the top, scroll down MONDAY until you see THE TONIC. Click on AUDIO and choose November 23 and whether you want to stream (listen now) or download to listen later and ...forever. I also hosted November 2nd show if yr really a glutton for enlightenment.
Have fun and be safe out there.
Ohhhhh cool. . I'll tune in while I'm tackling my gi-normous pile of laundry. . .I'm sure it will make it a much more enjoyable experience:)