Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What the hell is he doing blogging...?

Well folks, it comes down to this...i am currently {and unexpectedly by the way} "not in the workforce" and decided that i would spend time between job applications making myself useful by publishing some of my classic cd reviews from days gone well by. If yr a Winnipegger you may have read some of these in a multitude of groovy publications, but I really doubt it. Even I haven't read some of them! Jes kideen! I guess that's just being truthful, but fuck me - some of the reviews I may throw up here are so well, old, that I hardly remember them. These were all published somewhere but they are mine to BLOG so here we go...

From 2004 it's John Cale!

John Cale
Hobo Sapiens
Former Velvet Underground-er John Cale has, over the course of his now decades-old musical career, always made music that at least challenges convention. For “Hobo Sapiens” Cale has made a pretty accessible set of songs that are equal parts quasi-ambient, artnik rock and peppy euro-pop. “Reading My Mind” and “Things” burble along wonderfully proving that Cale has the journeyman’s touch when it comes to writing a memorable hook. The songwriting perspective he offers is definitely skewed to an older demographic-one that has the patience to let this album present it’s full character over many listenings. Cale’s best work may be 25 years behind him, but that doesn’t disallow him the right to bold creative statements like “Hobo Sapiens”.
Jeff Monk
rating: 3.5 stars

MONk...the 2009 view:

John Cale needs no introduction to most anyone that considers themselves a fan, with depth, of "alternative" music. He continues to compose and create oddball music that really doesn't rock, but in his own way, he composes brainy music for brainy people.I kind of get it, and like what he does in small doses. Good for you if you are a card-carrying Cale-O-phile. You probably have a higher IQ than I do and I am at peace with that.

1 comment:

  1. Great writing Mr. Jeff. . I could use some rocking tunes to keep me motivated coming into this cold weather running. .. ACK!
