Friday, September 17, 2010

Andy Kim - Happen Again

Andy Kim
Happen Again
(E! Music Canada)
Yr parents’ nostalgia starts here.
Singer/songwriter Andy “Youakim” Kim had something a career in the late 1960’s and 1970’s. He was a co-writer of The Archies hit (and community centre social music staple) “Sugar, Sugar” and had a pretty sizeable radio presence on AM radio in the early days of Canadian content regulations. Ask yr mom about “Rock Me Gently”. He also tried to re-invent himself secretly as “Baron Longfellow” and hit the charts again in the early 80’s.
The royalties have perhaps trickled down to a slow flow and Mr. Kim has now delivered the easygoing “Happen Again”. For all intents and purposes this is exactly what the “Adult Contemporary” label was intended for. Kim sings about mature subject matter, that is what being of a certain (older) age is like and all the positives, negatives and emotional highs and lows that come along with getting further along in life. On that level, this album works very well indeed. The pop music construct has always been where this guy shines and musically this album is a good as it gets. His voice is still smooth as honey and he writes with conviction and the kind of grace that other artists seem to forget is necessary as you mature. Like he’s written on the inner sleeve, “Music…the art of self-realization” “Happen Again” is a sweet, at times even powerful, testament to an artist that still deserves respect and maybe even some of your time. Or yr moms’.

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